Creative Digital Agency

Why Responsive Design Is More Important Than Ever

by The DrimTeam

People come in a range of shapes and sizes. So do lifestyles. In fact, so do technological devices, and a responsive website is able to fit any device that it is opened on, so there is no question that it provides a better experience for mobile users.

Responsive design gives one the ability to build a single website, and for users to see it across thousands of different screens.

Many people may check their favourite website on their tablet when they hop out of bed in the morning. Then, en route to work, they may check it again on their mobile phone. Upon arrival, what’s the first thing to be opened on their desktop computer? That same website. When you think about it this way, it’s not surprising that responsive design has become so important.

People and trends are fickle, but a responsive website has what it takes to keep up with changing technologies.

Worrying about which devices will become popular or hit the market isn’t necessary with responsive design. The site is fluid enough to fit all devices. What’s more, as only one set of content is required for a responsive website, time and money can be saved when it comes to the development. Another benefit is that only a single URL is required for a page, rather than a separate mobile URL (e.g. or This does great things for a site’s SEO.

So, what happens if I remain unresponsive?

Picture the scene. You are riding the bus home from work when your friend shares a link from his computer to an apparently hilarious website on your Facebook wall. People are ‘liking’ the link left right and centre and the comments are rolling in, but when you tap the screen on your phone to take a look...the content doesn’t work. Nightmare! When something is shared, the idea is that visitors who reach the site have the same positive experience as the original sharer. This isn’t possible if your site isn’t responsive. Thus, bounce rate increases and your users have a bad experience.

In short, responsive web design presents you with an opportunity to stay ahead in the ever-growing technological race. We don’t want you, or your customers, to get left behind.

You can find out more information about responsive websites in our web design section, or you can simply get in touch.

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Did you know? You may be losing a big percentage of potential customers if your site is not mobile.

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